Why is it dangerous to wait too long with malaria treatment? Is AIDS a real threat in Mali? Why are the effects of bilharzia devastating only after a few years? How can a good diet prevent all sorts of small diseases?Read and listen in two Bozo languages and Bambara, to basic information about three common diseases in West Africa. Everyone, literate or not, can acquire the basic knowledge to better fight against certain diseases with these audio booklets on- malaria- AIDS- Bilharzia (sugunɛbileni, schistosomiasis) - good food Signs, dangers, treatment, measures to prevent the disease, long-term effects: scientific explanations in easy-to-understand language.In the languages- Bozo-Jenaama- Bozo-Tigemaxo- BambaraThe four booklets are presented in form of a small app:- audio with highlighting of the sentence being read- simple illustrations help the non-literate user to recognise the pages of interest- easy transition from Bozo to Bambara- content relevant to the Malian context